In Christ’s Resurrection, we know that love will win
April 2023
Credit: Yannick Pulver, Unsplash.
Today our world is full of fear, war and injustice. But the Easter story gives us the certain hope that love will win. On Easter Sunday, love illuminated all darkness.
The following reflection is by Ramond Mitchell, Church Relationships Manager at Embrace.
I am Bahamian, from the lovely islands of The Bahamas. I grew up in a small town, that is advancing even to this day. It’s traditions and celebrations are worth mentioning. Among these are the celebrations of Junkanoo (carnival), various foods during holidays, and parades of many kinds.
One of the most important annual celebrations takes place during Holy Week. The country seems to pause and make time for reflection and meditation; time to evaluate one’s life and take up a new way in our lives. Time also to make a deep interior examination. During this time, the whole country seems to change its way of thinking and living and this is reflected in decorations in homes, churches, on the streets and even in the menus of people’s kitchens.
There is a deep love rooted in these celebrations and a glimpse into the foretaste of the kingdom that is present and that is to come. What we celebrate during this season of Easter is God’s love that is extended to all people. This love stretches to all the nations and to the ends of the earth.
During Lent, Embrace’s Lent Study Guide focused on the theme of the kingdom of God being justice and peace. But what does this really mean? We see in our world today that so many are subject to exclusion, especially our brother and sisters in the Middle East. We sometimes want to cordon off God’s grace, reserving it only for those who meet our expectations of holiness. Yet, Christ the Good Shepherd, the prince of justice and peace, goes forth to find the lost sheep, bringing them back to the one household of God the Father.
To the homeless, suffering with mental illness or addictions, Christ proclaims, ‘’I know them.’’ To the leaders of nations, who do not consider the lives of those on the margins, Christ says, ‘’ I know them.’’ To become his people, to enter into this one household of God, to become sheep of his flock, means that we too must learn how to imitate the voice of the beloved Shepherd.
The work of Embrace has always done, and continues to do, this. There is something in every human heart, no matter each individual’s circumstances, that longs to hear the loving voice of the Shepherd. There’s something in every human heart that deeply longs for life-giving love. There is something in every human heart, longing for justice and peace to reign in our world, in our homes, and in our hearts.
It is through Christ that the Kingdom can be brought into being, and in the end our good works only take their place within His great work, which is already accomplished in the Resurrection. For Embrace this is a reminder that our work, in partnership with our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, can only bring about the Kingdom when it is taken up into Christ’s one great work by the grace that is poured down upon us.
As we journey into this season of great joy, let’s try to hold in our minds, the image of the risen Lord in the heavenly temple. Showing the wounds of his mercy, an ever-making peace through the blood of his Cross. For Christ is risen and showers us with his love.
In Christ’s Resurrection, we know that love will win. Truth will win. Justice will win. For on Easter Sunday, love illuminated all darkness. Love stifled violence. Love, even now, even in this world - still wins.
We hope that Embrace’s work will continue to be a way of entering in hope into the gates of the kingdom that the Lord has opened for us. For God is love, and the God-man has conquered the violence of this world. Alleluia.