The Great Fast: Lent in Egypt
Lent is observed by Christians across the world. This week, our friends and partners in Egypt share how their churches mark this time of reflection and contemplation. Christians in Egypt predominately belong to the Coptic Church, but other denominations include Armenian Apostolic, Catholic, Maronite and Anglican.
My Greek Orthodox Christmas
As many Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas this week Embrace friend and co-author of The International Community of the Holy Sepulchre’s recent report on the situation of Christianity in the Holy Land, Deacon George Tsourous, reflects on his childhood memories of the celebration of Christmas in Greece.
Blessed are the Peace Makers
The word ‘peace’ can be defined in many ways. Is it the harmony and undisturbed coexistence with neighbours? Is it the welfare of the nation without internal strife and any external threat? Here, Archbishop Samyv explores the meaning of peace.
Vlog: Archbishop Angaelos on Christianity in Egypt
Archbishop Angaelos is the first Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London. Here, he gives a fascinating insight into Christianity in Egypt.
Fear and flight: my experience as a refugee
This blog is about a childhood experience of fear and flight, recollected in the midst of events in Afghanistan. The author, who is well known to us, has asked to remain anonymous.
‘The wound of separation’: Patriarch Pizzaballa reflects
This crisis must bring the Israeli-Palestinian question back to the center of the international agenda.
‘Let my people go’: how our love sets others free
As we approach Coptic Easter, Embrace Chair of Trustees and Canon of Westminster and of All Saints Cathedral, Cairo Canon Anthony Ball reflects on the idea of freedom, encouraging us to follow the example of the Church in Egypt by using our freedom to promote that of others.
The Patriarch of Jerusalem sends us a message of hope from the Holy Land
At this time of the year, the hearts and minds of so many are turned towards Bethlehem and the Holy Land. Christians in every nation are making their spiritual preparation for the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate Word that is coming into the world.
The True Meaning of Hanukkah: Festival of Lights
Elizabeth Harris-Sawczenko is a Trustee of the Abraham Initiatives. Here, she reflects on what it really means to be a source of light in the darkness.