Embrace works in regions across the Middle East to ensure high-quality healthcare is available to those from all backgrounds and walks of life. Embrace’s work in healthcare ranges from training programmes to ensure the availability of well-trained healthcare professionals, to the funding of mobile medical clinics so that medical assistance is accessible to those living in rural and remote areas. Below are just a few examples of the projects Embrace supports.

Staff and patients at the Karagheusian centre, Beirut

The Karagheusian Centre - Medical clinic, Beirut, Lebanon

The Karagheusian primary healthcare centre provides a wide range of medical, social and education services to Lebanese, Armenians and Syrian refugees living in the crowded Bourj Hammoud quarter of Beirut. Embrace’s support helps to cover the costs of urgently needed medicines, laboratory tests and hospital fees. In addition, Embrace provides support for counselling and therapeutic services to address the mental health and well-being needs of individuals impacted by the trauma of conflict and the chronic stress of living as a refugee.

Harpur Nursing School

Harpur Memorial Hospital - Harpur Nursing School, Menouf, Egypt

Harpur Memorial Hospital in Menouf was established by Dr. Frank Harpur, an Anglican Christian missionary from Ireland. He opened a permanent hospital in Menouf in 1910, and since then the hospital, a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Egypt, has continued to grow. Embrace has supported the hospital to start a nursing school, as many nurses in Egypt do not receive formal training.

Image: David Uttley at Compelling Story

Refugee camp in Iraq

The Chaldean Archdiocese of Erbil - Maryamana hospital, Erbil, Iraq

The Chaldean Archdiocese of Erbil runs the Maryamana Hospital, which Embrace began funding in 2020. Maryamana is a Catholic community-based hospital in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. It provides healthcare services to all faiths; Embrace supports the costs of medicine or surgery for internally displaced people, refugees, and older people.

Baby visiting the NECC Baby Clinic

The Near East Council of Churches - Ante-natal and well-baby services, Gaza, Palestine

Since 1952, NECC has been providing high-quality antenatal and neonatal care to Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip. Gaza remains one of the few places in the world where infant mortality is increasing – a stark reminder of the vulnerability of young lives in a context of poverty, inequality and conflict. Embrace supports two projects that together seek to tackle infant and maternal health, from pre-conception, through to post-natal care and for children from 0-6 years old. The programme is holistic in its approach, combating childhood malnutrition and anaemia through regular screening, early interventions, as well as public health awareness campaigns.

Sisters of St Vincent De Paul Society

The Pontifical Mission for Lebanon - The St Vincent De Paul Society, Aleppo, Syria

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is the oldest charitable organization in Syria. The society has worked in Aleppo since 1898 and delivers medical care and assistance to vulnerable people, young and old. Embrace funding helps to support the programme, which includes assisting with medical expenses, hospital bills and supporting residents in a home for the elderly.

Al Ahli Hospital ambulance

Caritas Jerusalem - Medical clinics, West Bank and Gaza, Palestine

In the West Bank, Embrace funds a health centre that reaches out to a rural population that is cut off from health facilities in urban centers by military roadblocks. In Gaza, a mobile clinic reaches out to areas that would otherwise be unable to access healthcare.