A Statement from Embrace as Al Ahli Hospital forced to suspend its vital work
Statement from Embrace the Middle East, 17 November 2023:
The news that Al Ahli hospital is no longer able to receive patients and has stopped all operations shocks and dismays. The extreme misery and human suffering experienced by so many these past six weeks is compounded as the last working hospital in Gaza is forced to suspend its vital work.
Words are not enough. The call we and so many other have made for a #CeasefireNOW is more important than ever. Enough is enough. The people of Gaza are suffering, and this needs to stop. The work of our Christian partners, providing vital medical, mental health and livelihood opportunities has been forcibly paused. The injured can no longer be treated. Given the mass destruction of infrastructure we don’t know when these vital services will resume.
The gains for women and children, made through pre- and ante-natal care, osteoporosis screening, and clinics to ensure under 5s have the nutrition and hygiene support they need are fast being unravelled. In their place, the citizens of Gaza are experiencing trauma, sickness, hunger, and loss.
Unfettered humanitarian access and aid is desperately required, including through crossings to Israel. Civilians and health facilities urgently need protection.
Laying waste to Gaza will not bring the desperately needed foundations for peace that both Palestinian and Israeli civilians deserve. We call on international political and religious leaders to exercise all their resources to end this violence and to secure the release of hostages.
· Pray and call for an immediate ceasefire, the unconditional release of the hostages held by Hamas, and an end to this conflict.
· Pray for healing for Palestinians and Israelis impacted by the horrors and trauma since October 7th.
· Pray for a safe and prosperous tomorrow for Palestinians and Israelis, a future of equal rights for all and an end to the occupation.
· Pray for Embrace’s partners and their staff. That they would remain safe and know God’s love and protection at this time.
And please write to your MP, your Bishop, your church leaders and urge them to call for a ceasefire and an end to this conflict.
Resources for writing to your MP and bishop.
Keep up-to-date with the latest developments and Embrace’s response.