Weekly devotion: Praying (and planting) for peace

Olive Tree Project, West Bank

Planting olive tree sapling in the West Bank

Planting a young olive tree in Palestine on an Embrace olive planting trip (Spring 2022).

Since the Israeli occupation of the West Bank in 1967, Palestinian farmers have lost hundreds of thousands of olive trees. Trees planted and cared for by generations of the same family have been destroyed or uprooted as Israeli settlers seek to claim Palestinian land as their own.

The olive tree is a universal symbol of peace. It is also a powerful symbol of Palestinian rootedness in their land. Olive trees have been a major source of income for Palestinians for centuries, with the trees covering over 50% of agricultural land. The olive and olive oil industry supports the livelihoods of around 100,000 Palestinian families.

But in the political turmoil of the Middle East today, trees that have survived for hundreds of years have become casualties in the struggle for the control of the land.

Our Olive Tree Project is working to replace the trees destroyed by the conflict. You can join in by buying an olive tree for just £15. Your olive tree will be planted in Palestine, replacing trees destroyed in the conflict and helping Palestinian farmers hold onto their land and livelihoods.

Bible reading

‘But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. I will thank you forever because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.’

Psalm 52: 8-9


Olive trees in the Bible are rich with symbolism. They have been a sign of peace and reconciliation ever since the account of Noah’s flood, when the dove brought Noah ‘a freshly plucked olive leaf’ (Genesis 8:11). The fruitful olive tree is a sign of abundance, likened to a righteous person. Growth is slow but sure, with some ancient olive trees in the Holy Land thought to be hundreds, if not thousands, of years old.

Ask yourself: Reflect on what it means to be ‘like a green olive tree in the house of God’ in your own life.


Steadfast God,

We thank you for your steadfast love and your faithfulness through the generations.

We lift before you the many Palestinian farming families whose livelihoods are at risk of annexation. We pray for your blessing on efforts to replant and replace trees destroyed in the conflict - and we pray that peace and justice would reign in the Holy Land.

Help us to reflect on what it means to be like an olive tree in our own lives. Help us to trust your name, to be filled with thankfulness, to wait patiently for answers to prayer.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Weekly devotion: Social justice is not an optional extra