Weekly devotion: What makes a good leader?

The Palestinian Bible Society

A view of Jericho, where the Palestinian Bible Society is located. (Credit: Snowscat, via Unsplash)

In recent decades, the number of indigenous Palestinian Christians living in the birthplace of Jesus has fallen dramatically. The Israeli occupation of the West Bank imposes heavy economic costs on the Palestinian people, as well as severe restrictions on freedom of movement, and many young people struggle to see a future for themselves in Palestine.

Church leaders in Palestine have collectively raised a pressing need to invest in young members in order to boost the sustainability of Christianity in Palestine. Strong, positive leaders will encourage people to understand their calling and their role in the community, inspiring people to have hope for the future.

In response to the need, the Palestinian Bible Society has created a leadership academy at its centre in Jericho, to train up leaders for the future – both for the church and for wider society. Aimed at both Christians and Muslims, the project aims to help and strengthen the community at large. They also run a course for Christian participants that focuses on helping them to develop a biblical worldview.

Bible reading

‘As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.’

1 Peter 2: 4-5


In the epistle of 1 Peter, the Apostle Peter gives Christians a powerful reminder that even in the midst of their suffering, there was hope. The term ‘living stone’ is used as a metaphor to illustrate the intimate relationship believers have with Christ. In spite of the turmoil and injustice of these early Christians’ external circumstances, they could find hope in the truth that they were joined to God himself.

In a context of present-day suffering and injustice, the Palestinian Bible Society is equipping Christians in Palestine to put their faith into action. By helping Christians to become more confident in what they believe, and supporting Muslim and Christian youth to become good leaders, they are making a real difference in society.

Ask yourself: What qualities do you think a good leader has? Are there opportunities for you to develop some of these qualities in your own life? What impact do you think this would have on people around you?


Father God,

We commit to you the work of the Palestinian Bible Society. We praise you for their vision and for their dedication to serving their community. May your blessing be upon the staff, and may you continue to renew their strength day by day.

We pray for the young people whose lives are being impacted by the Leadership Academy. May you captivate them with a new, hopeful vision for the future. May you open up new and exciting opportunities for them to serve you and build meaningful lives in their contexts.

We pray for the difficulties that young Palestinians face as they grow up in the context of the occupation. May you raise up good leaders and may justice abound.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Podcast: What is the future for Palestine’s indigenous Christians?

Why are Palestinian Christians facing an existential crisis, and what can be done to strengthen the Christian presence in the Holy Land?

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