Embrace’s Christian partners face many challenges working in situations of conflict, injustice and poverty. We ask you to join us in praying for the health and resilience of all our partners and their communities. You can download our prayer diary and find more prayer resources in our Prayer Room.

Editor Eme Editor Eme

Prayers for peace in the Middle East

As troubling events unfold in Gaza and southern Israel, please join us in praying for a swift de-escalation to the violence and for peace to prevail.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: In celebration of the Harvest Festival

This week we’re praying for an organic community farming project in northern Lebanon, which is providing fresh produce for food-insecure families. We’re also considering Jesus’ words about the harvest being plentiful and the workers being few.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: What does it mean to ‘Go and do likewise’?

This week we’re delighted to welcome a guest writer - Fr. Antoine Al Ahmar, Head of the Theological Department at the Middle East Council of Churches. Fr. Antoine invites us to reflect on Christ’s parable of the Good Samaritan, with a particular emphasis on the challenge to ‘go and do likewise’.

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Editor Eme Editor Eme

A Prayer Plea from Gaza

The escalation of violence in Gaza and Southern Israel this week has left parents on both sides of the conflict fearing for the safety and future of their children. Please pray for these families and for leaders who share a vision for a beautiful future for all children in the land.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Caring for the whole person

This week we’re praying for our partner, the Harpur Memorial Hospital in Egypt, which runs a nurse training programme to ensure professional standards and excellent patient care.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Called to be peacemakers

This week we’re praying for our partner, Musalaha, an organisation that teaches, trains and facilitates reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians, based on biblical principles.

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Editor Eme Editor Eme


We pray for all those in Palestine and Israel caught up in the bombing of Gaza and rocket attacks aimed at Israel.

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