Embrace’s vision is to bring healing and hope to all who face poverty and injustice. As such, we are committed to protecting the safety, dignity and rights of all with whom we come into contact, whether through our activities in the UK or through our partners overseas.  

As Embrace works exclusively through partner organisations, our approach has been to strengthen their organisational safeguarding policies and procedures. We are an associate member of Keeping Children Safe and uphold their International Child Safeguarding Standards and are working towards their level 1 certificate. Working with VIVA Network, we have conducted organisational assessments and training for all of our Lebanese and Egyptian partners over the last four years and plan to do the same with our Israeli and Palestinian partners in the near future. The training has focused on not just completing the minimum policy requirements but also creating a culture within organisations where children are valued and safe.

All of our staff and representatives must adhere to our Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct and Ethics (found below). They commit to conducting themselves in a way that promotes the rights of children and adults who are vulnerable and/or at risk, to live free from all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation that results in actual or potential harm to the a person’s health, development or dignity.

Embrace promotes a culture of safeguarding through continuous training and awareness to ensure that all staff and representatives understand the crucial role that they each play in keeping people safe.

Staff must:

· Understand how their role plays an active part in promoting the rights and dignity of children and adults at risk and how they can act to prevent or reduce the risk of harm

· Respond quickly and appropriately to any concerns raised

Any allegation or concern relating to the abuse or maltreatment of a child or adult at risk will be treated seriously and must be reported by staff to a Safeguarding Focal Point within 24 hours of the allegation/concern being raised.

If you have a safeguarding concern related to Embrace the Middle East, its work/activities in the UK or overseas, or its communications with supporters, please contact our Supporter Experience Team on 01494 897950 or via email:

As part of our due diligence, all partners must have (or be working towards):

· A safeguarding policy, including a code of conduct signed by all staff members

· Clear reporting and investigation procedures in the event of abuse or suspected abuse

· A commitment towards ongoing training, care and development of their staff in relation to safeguarding

Please check out the download links below for more information on our Code of Conduct, Safeguarding Policy and how to report a concern.