Hardship in Syria: ‘What makes us endure and persevere is our faith’

Family inspecting emergency supplies

This Armenian Christian family (pictured above) live in Aleppo. The two children are aged 10 and 11, and they all regularly attend a local church that Embrace supports.

During the civil war, the family suffered great losses: they lost their home and also their only source of income, as the restaurant where the father was employed was destroyed. They were left with nothing and depended on aid to cover their needs.

When the earthquake struck in February 2023, the family were brought to a crisis point. Their temporary home was greatly damaged, and the two children – who already suffered psychologically – were deeply affected by the fear that came with the earthquake.

The church is doing its best to support this family. It covers the costs of the children’s education and provides them with vital food aid. In spite of this support, the family still struggles to make ends meet as they have many expenses, such as rent and medical treatment for their two children, who both have health problems.

The parents said: “The general situation is worrying, and the difficulties are becoming heavier on our shoulders. What makes us endure and persevere is our faith and trust in the word of the Lord, that He is our shepherd and cares for us through His children and His church.”

About the local church

The Armenian community that Embrace supports in Aleppo helps families, children and youth, and the elderly, with relief and development services, such as food, health and hygiene supplies, and vocational training. Syria is experiencing extreme levels of inflation and most basic goods have become completely unaffordable for most people. The community is working hard to meet needs during an exceptionally hard time in the country.



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