Please help keep a family together today

As we are confronted by the violence and suffering in Gaza, and the growing threat of a wider war, let us not forget the profound need that exists across the Middle East. Our partners throughout the region are faithfully responding to God’s call to do justice and love mercy in their local communities. Please join with them, and show them they are not forgotten in these difficult and uncertain times:

Every parent wants a bright future for their child. But what if that means sending them away?

Alya is one of many children whose parents succumbed to financial hardship and felt forced to send their child away for a better life. Read Alya’s story.

The current strain on the economy is putting families in Egypt under intolerable pressure every day. But a gift from you today could help them stay together by providing free childcare and giving parents the support they desperately need.

Please give what you can, to keep a family together, today.


Agonising though it was, financial and medical struggles meant that Roula felt the only way her youngest daughter, Alya, could thrive was if she was taken into the care of the local monastery. As you can imagine, at just five years old, this was as confusing and distressing for Alya as it was heart-rending her mother.

After weeks of being unable to sleep and feeling deep regret, Roula was desperate to bring her child home. Unfortunately, however, Roula’s circumstances had not improved. Mercifully, Embrace partner, Life Vision stepped in to help.

Life Vision works with parents, churches and Cairo’s childcare services alike. With Life Vision’s support, Roula has been able to make the changes at home which allowed Alya to be reunited with her family (and her beloved dog!).